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Glass cord round - 32MM / 10M

Quick Overview

Type 2010
Diagonally braided packing, manufactured from 100% pure PTFE yarns. The packing is vacuum impregnated with a PTFE dispersion and an additional lubricant.

Application Area
Tank hatches, mixers, chemical industry and petrochemical industry

Weak & strong acids, Weak & strong salts, food and solvents.



Type 2010
Diagonally braided packing, manufactured from 100% pure PTFE yarns. The packing is vacuum impregnated with a PTFE dispersion and an additional lubricant.

Application Area
Tank hatches, mixers, chemical industry and petrochemical industry

Weak & strong acids, Weak & strong salts, food and solvents.

Pressure and Temp Range

Rotating speed
Rotating pressure
Recipr. speed
Recipr. pressure

Pressure Static

Max. Temp.

Ph Range
10 20 2 150 200 280 0-14


Extra information

Additional Information

Weight (g.) 1.12
Dimensions (LxWxH) 120 x 195 x MM
Part number 1060005120120D
CBS-number 39046990
Manufacturer Econ
Series / Programname 2010
Type 1060005
Cord shape Round
Thickness 32mm
Material, packing 1 PTFE fibre
Width (mm) 12
Height (mm) 12
Suitable for valves Yes
Suitable for rotation Yes
Suitable for reciprocating motion Yes